The Power of Tea - The history of tea is thought to have begun in China. One popular Chinese legend believes that tea drinking started sometime around 2737 BC when a few leaves were blown from a nearby tree into the Emperors water, changing the color.
You're invited to hear Registered Dietitian, Amanda Terillo discussing how herbal teas can become a great addition to your daily life. You will learn how herbal teas can improve your health, how to select an herbal tea and most importantly, you will get to taste some! Some of the medicinal properties of tea include improving the immune function, providing anti-inflammatory properties, aiding in digestion and much more. Experience the benefits and the power of tea!
Free and open to the community!
WHEN: Wednesday, May 9th
TIME: 10:30am to 11:30am
WHERE: The Senior Center of Charlottesville
491 Hillsdale Drive
Charlottesville, VA 22901